Portage salarial : the umbrella company model for freelancers in France

Portage salarial is a special form of employment involving a three-way relationship between a self-employed worker, his or her client and a « portage salarial » company. This form of employment enables self-employed to carry out their activities independently, but under the protective status of employees.

While retaining their autonomy and freedom, employees benefit from the advantages of french employment, such as general pension contributions and the right to unemployment benefit in the event of inactivity. As a « portage salarial » employee, you don’t need to set up a legal structure. Instead, they delegate all administrative and accounting management of their business to their « portage salarial » company.

Consultant signing portage salarial agreement for freelance work under an umbrella company in France


What is "portage salarial» ?

Portage salarial is a three-way contractual relationship between a contractor, a « portage salarial » company (EPS) and a client company. In concrete terms, contractor signs an employment contract with a « portage salarial » company. He thus becomes the company’s employee. When a contractor find his/her client, he negotiates the terms of the service (duration, tasks, rate, etc.) directly with the client. The portaga salarial company and the client company then sign a service contract that sets out the negotiated terms.

The portage salarial company takes care of the administrative and accounting side of the business, in return for a management fee. 

How does portage salarial work ?

There are two distinct relationships or contracts involved in portage salarial:

  1. Between the « portage salarial » company and the « porté » employee: They are bound by a fixed-term or a permanent employment contract. The contractor is considered an employee of the company.

  2. Between the portage salarial company and the client company: They are bound by a service contract. This defines the terms and conditions of the services to be provided, and the fee.

  3. Between the employee and the client company: The employee carries out assignments for the client company as agreed in the service contract.

Portage salarial companies handle all administrative management related to their contractors’ assignments, in exchange for management fee. The employee contributes to the general scheme and can benefit from the advantages and protection offered by french employment.

Since 2015, the legal framework has been strengthened. The signature of the portage salarial collective agreement in 2017 ensures a more stable and secure environment.

Diagram of OpenWork's three-way contract model linking client company, portage salarial employee, and OpenWork
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La société de portage : " French umbrella company"

What is a french umbrella company ?

A french umbrella company is not only a service provider for companies, but also the contractor’s employee. In order to help contractors develop their business, the company provides tailor-made support and makes its resources and structure available to them. Contractors remain totally free to choose their assignments and clients.

In return for carrying out administrative, legal and accounting tasks on behalf of its employees, the portage salarial company charges management fees.

Obligations of portage salarial company

Portage salarial companies must comply with a number of rules:

  • They have exclusive rights to the practice of « portage salarial ».
  • They invoice the client on the basis of the terms agreed between them and the contractor
  • They pay the contractor a salary, after deducting the various social security charges and their own expenses.
  • On behalf of the freelancer, they must take out professional liability insurance.
  • At least once a month, they create and make available to the employee an activity account and a payslip. 

Failure to comply with these legal obligations may result in sanctions.

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The different types of employment contract

Portage salarial companies are governed by the French Labor Code and the Collective Agreement on Freelance Administration.

Permanent and fixed-term contracts are the two most common types of employment contract in portage salarial. They differ mainly in terms of duration and termination terms.

CDD (fixed term contract) : suitable for short assignments

  • Renewable twice
  • Total limit of 18 months
  • End of contract via scheduled end date, early termination or resignation

CDI (permanent contract) : suitable for regular assignments, bank loans or property rental projects

  • Open-ended contract
  • Termination by end of trial period, mutual termination or resignation
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9 advantages of working with OpenWork

Time saving

The main advantage of portage salarial is that you can concentrate 100% on your assignments. You delegate all administrative, legal and accounting tasks to your future employer. All you have to do is declare the number of days you work.

Pension and unemployment contributions

Since you are legally an employee, you therefore contribute to the same pension and unemployment funds as any other employee. This means you can draw unemployment benefits between assignments, and build up a decent pension – a problem for many freelancers today. OpenWork also offers a PERCO savings.

Healthcar insurance

When you join OpenWork, you automatically benefit from a high-performance mutual insurance plan at a negotiated rate. You can choose the plan that suits you best, depending on your personal situation.

Access to training

OpenWork has forged two partnerships with M2I Formation, France’s leading provider of IT, digital and management training, and BM Formation, which offers customized cross-disciplinary training in IT, office automation, communication, management and languages.

Network of entrepreneurs

Joining OpenWork means joining a family of over 1,000 entrepreneurs who have opted for independence and peace of mind.

Access to CE (travel, leisure, culture)

OpenWork’s freelance consultants have access to the works council and a wide range of discounts:
  • Vouchers (Amazon, Fnac Darty, Decathlon, Ikea…)
  • Leisure (Bowling, Museum, Zoo…)
  • Cinema
  • Shows & events
  • Good deals (perfumes, gym…)
  • Travels

Obtaining a mortgage or a lease

It is well known that banks, owners and freelancers are not a good match. The absence of fixed-term contracts and payslips is often a huge obstacle to obtaining a loan or apartment rental, especially since borrowing rates have risen.

With Openwork :
  • You are not only entitled to a permanent contract.
  • You receive payslips.
  • You get a year-round salary smoothing to show regular income and stability to your banker.
  • You have a strong case to present to the banks, which facilitates your real estate project.

Meal vouchers, gift vouchers, culture and CESU

Restaurant titles and the Swile Card
  • The wearer can benefit from restaurant titles.
  • He or she can request this from his or her advisor.
Universal service employment vouchers (CESU)
  • They are intended for people who use personal assistance or home benefits: gardening, childcare, etc.
  • They allow the individualemployer to pay for home services simply and securely.
  • Expenses incurred for the employment of a home help worker are eligible for a generalized tax credit for all individual employers, whether or not they are taxable.
Gift vouchers and culture
  • The porter can ask for up to €193 in gift vouchers for a list of events established by URSSAF.
  • It is also possible to ask for up to €193 excluding URSSAF events (in 2024).
  • The maximum amount of crop vouchers is €1,000 per month.
  • They only provide access to cultural goods (museum visits, concerts, etc.).
  • Gift and culture vouchers are tax exempt if they meet all eligibility requirements.

Business and retirement savings plans (PEE and PERCO)

Two employee savings plans are available at Openwork
  • Plan Epargne Entreprise (PEE)
  • Plan d'Epargne pour la Retraite Collective (PERCO)
Le Plan d'Épargne Entreprise (PEE)
  • Device for the client who wishes to build up a securities portfolio.
  • Works as a second bank account where the wearer can make investments.
  • The Porter makes a first payment, and the EPS then pays on the PEE the desired amounts.
  • The maximum amount of payments is 25% of the annual gross income of the born child and cannot exceed €3,709.44 in 2024.
The Collective Retirement Savings Plan (PERCO)
  • Intended for those who wish to build up retirement funds.
  • As with the PEE, the first payment is voluntary and then the PEO pays the desired amounts.
  • The PERCO payments cannot exceed €7,419/year (in 2024).

The amounts paid for PEE and PERCO are added up to 300% (maximum legal allowed) by the EPS. It may not exceed more than three times the initial amount paid by the born. It should be noted that in the case of a payroll, the bonus is taken directly from the CA of the holder.

  • PEE is blocked for at least 5 years and PERCO until retirement.
  • However, there are exceptional unblocking conditions for both PEE and PERCO.
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The cost of a portage salarial company

Of course, portage salarial company has its costs, which can be divided into 3 categories:

  • Employee/employer contributions: All employees pay these, without exception. They are used to finance your unemployment, pension and health insurance…
  • Management fees: this is what the portagz company deducts from your invoice amount to pay itself. It is generally a percentage of sales.
  • Fiscal and parafiscal taxes: These are compulsory taxes that are added to the amounts deducted from your invoice amount. Some structures include them in their management fees. Example: CVAE, medical examination…

Over and above these costs, it is therefore more interesting to look at the reversion rate, i.e. the percentage you have left on your sales. It is therefore legitimate to ask how much salary you can expect to earn as a freelancer… The average reversion rate in the sector is around 50%.

Example : On a turnover of €10,000, with a reversion rate of 50%, I get back €5,000; with a rate of 45%, I get back €4,500…

Minimum billing for contractors

A minimum wage is set by the « convention du portage salarial », to which all serious « portage salarial » companies must be affiliated. This amount must enable the freelance consultant to earn a gross salary corresponding to 75% of the social security ceiling for a full-time equivalent.

In terms of day rate, OpenWork recommends a minimum of €250 daily rate.

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